ER14505와 ER14505M 중 어떤 것을 선택해야 하나요?

Key Highlights The ER14505 series batteries have a lot of energy, making them ideal for long-term use. They use lithium thionyl chloride chemistry. This gives a stable operating voltage and works well in different temperature ranges. You can usually find ER14505 batteries in utility metering, alarm systems, and other industrial equipment. The ER14505M version uses […]

ER14250 배터리 살펴보기: 종합 가이드

Key Highlights The ER14250 is a 3.6V Lithium Thionyl Chloride (Li-SOCl2) battery known for its good energy density and long shelf life. This battery has a stable operating voltage. It is a great choice for devices that need steady power. With its cylindrical shape and small size, it fits well in spaces without much room. […]

ER34615 리튬 배터리: 알아야 할 모든 것

Key Highlights The ER34615 is a strong lithium thionyl chloride battery. It is known for having a lot of energy and lasting a long time. This battery is great for jobs that need reliability and long life. It works well in utility metering, alarm systems, and medical devices. The ER34615 is a D-size battery. It […]

최고 선택: 2016 대 2032 배터리 비교

Key Highlights CR2016 and CR2032 batteries are lithium coin cells. They both have a nominal voltage of 3V and are used in small electronics. The main difference between them is their thickness and capacity. CR2016 is 1.6mm thick and has about 90mAh. CR2032 is thicker at 3.2mm and has around 220mAh. CR2032 has a higher […]

CR1225와 CR2032: 내 기기에 어떤 것이 적합할까요?

Key Highlights CR1225 and CR2032 are types of lithium coin cell batteries used in many electronic devices. CR1225 batteries are smaller in width and thickness than CR2032 batteries. CR2032 batteries usually have a higher capacity compared to CR1225 batteries. The right battery for your device depends on the specifications needed. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations […]

18650 대 CR123: 나에게 맞는 배터리

Key Highlights This blog post compares 18650 and CR123 batteries. We will explain their uses, strengths, and weaknesses to help you decide which one to buy. The post reviews how much energy each battery can hold, how well they work, if you can recharge them, and how long they last. It also talks about important […]

초보자 가이드: 26650 배터리와 18650 배터리의 이해

Key Highlights 26650 batteries are larger and heavier than 18650 batteries. A 26650 battery is 26mm wide, while a 18650 battery is 18mm wide. Even though 26650 batteries are bigger, they do not have as much energy density as 18650 batteries. However, they can store more energy overall. You usually find 26650 batteries in tools […]

21700 배터리 셀과 18650 배터리 셀 중 선택하는 방법

Key Highlights 21700 and 18650 batteries are types of lithium-ion batteries. They are commonly used in power tools, electric vehicles, and other devices. 21700 batteries store more energy. They also have a higher energy density than 18650 batteries. You can find 18650 batteries more easily, and they usually cost less for each cell. When you […]

18650 배터리와 AA 배터리 중 어떤 것을 선택해야 하나요? 이 글을 읽어보세요!

주요 특징 18650 배터리는 리튬 이온을 사용하므로 AA 배터리보다 에너지가 더 많습니다. AA 배터리는 일반적으로 알카라인 화학 물질로 만들어집니다. 저렴하고 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. 두 가지 중 하나를 선택할 때는 용량, 전압, 충전 가능 여부를 고려하세요. 사용 중인 장치의 유형도 선택에 영향을 미칩니다. [...]

BR2032와 CR2032: 주요 차이점 공개

주요 특징 BR2032와 CR2032는 모두 3V 전원을 사용하는 동전형 전지 배터리입니다. 폭 20mm, 높이 3.2mm입니다. 이 둘의 주요 차이점은 화학 물질에 있습니다. BR2032는 리튬 일산화탄소를 사용하는 반면, CR2032는 리튬 이산화망간을 사용합니다. 이 차이로 인해 전지의 전력량, 지속 시간 및 [...]이 달라집니다.