Beginner’s Guide to Lithium-Ion Batteries

Key Highlights The Basic Knowledge of Lithium-Ion Battery Lithium-ion batteries have changed the way we use portable electronics. Now, they also power electric cars and renewable energy systems. These batteries can be recharged and are popular because they have high energy density, are lightweight, and last a long time. Lithium-ion batteries are found in many […]

Ultimate Guide of Alkaline Batteries-Expert Tips

Key Highlights Understanding Alkaline Batteries Alkaline batteries are a popular power source. They are easy to use and meant for one-time use, so you cannot recharge them. However, a few special alkaline batteries can be recharged a little. You can find these batteries in many household items and professional tools, which shows how important they […]

What are the differences between LIR2032 and CR 2032 button battery?

A CR2032 battery is a non-rechargeable (primary) lithium coin or “button” cell battery that is 20mm in diameter x 3.2mm in thickness. The CR2032 battery has a voltage of 3 volts and a capacity of up to 240mAh, depending on manufacturer specifications. The CR2032 is the most commonly used lithium coin cell battery.   The […]

What are the differences between CR2025 and CR2032 button battery?

The difference is as follows:   1. Different sizes   The numbers behind CR represent the battery size. The first two are in diameter, and the latter two indicate thickness.   2032 = 20.0*3.2mm 2025 = 20.0*2.5mm   2. Different capacity   2025 is thinner than 2032, so the capacity is less, and the service […]